Friday, November 7, 2008

Catch up for October

So I can't go back too far in catching up on life at the Nielsens so I'll just highlight October and start from there.
-We have really started enjoying the hot tub. Dave and the kid play in it in the rain and in the cold...I enjoy it a little more at night, minus the rain.
-We went to HeeHaws with all the kiddos...lots of fun, I would recommend it for anybody. They have something for every age.
-Halloween was a month long event for us this year! We had the Rolfe family party toward the first of the month, the Butler family party towards the end of the month, School parties on Halloween and we followed it all up with a good dose of trick or treating. The weather was fabulous this year, not even cold enough for a jacket! Hayden, Kira, Nick, Ella and McKae started out together, with McKae finding an older friend pretty quickly to go out with. After that it was just the 4 of them and they just ran house to the time Ella got up to a door the other 3 were running to the next house, but she just kept plugging along. We went further then we ever have in the past and I drug along the wagon for least not til' the end, then I used it on the youngest 3 for the last block home.

Over all definately a fun month!

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